The thing that made me believe in spirits was my old dog. I was in first grade when he died. When he was alive he used to lay on my parents bed, and open the door himself. They had a weird door that was a 2 piece sliding door that split down the middle. He would slam his head in the middle of it and open it. Anyway, after he died, almost every night you could clearly hear the stairs creaking and then the door fly open. It would scare the shit out of me.
We used to come home after work and school, no one else was home all day. One of my parents would go upstairs and all the blankets would be screwed up. Sounds like nothing out of the ordinary, but my mom makes the bed every morning..
I refuse to use the word "ghost" because of what the words become. People here ghost and just get scarred or think the worst. If you actually look into the scientific possiblities of paranormal stuff, it all has to do with energy and stuff like that. It makes a lot of sense.