

I had been thinking about making pegs myself and selling them online. But I figured a lot of you probably wouldn't want to buy a set. Two pegs for like $8 including the shipping fee's. But it would be an official scooter peg, since nobody really makes them and Instigator closed years ago.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Wed Dec 14 2005, 03:28PM ]</span>
coo i would buy some, but i dont think a lot of people will be interested B) even pegs are the shiz

<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Wed Dec 14 2005, 05:53PM ]</span>

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Ill buy a few sets, just for the save of having more then one set. I ride pegs 24/7. But it seems theres not alot of riders that do that. Sad thing.

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
JoshToy said:
I've been thinking about throwing them back on myself, have a few trick ideas.
Yeah so have i, but im tipping my plans arent as good as yours. I wanna see someone dub peg a handrail.


It was. Just aiming wise. Once you lock on it's no big deal. What made it harder is I did it on a 4 stair rail. So it was a jump on jump off type deal. Added a little flavor to it though, little harder that way than to lock on and just go.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Thu Dec 15 2005, 06:27PM ]</span>

Terry Price

Bronze member
did anyone see my barspin to icepick stall downside whip in on quarter.. in the preview vid?
i was using like 3 bearings or something.. thats what made it hard, it looks like im just doing it on the dropout.
but yeaaa pegs are awesome, with the micro bullet reinforcement kit you get larger dropouts.. so i do icepicks and stuff on them, but its an easier way of weakening you scooter.
Maybe it's just me but... I'm with someone that said in another thread that 'if you wanna ride pegs, get a bike' or something like that. And the seconfd thing is that, no matter if its a bike or a scooter, the idea of putting something on it just to do tricks on that thing seems kinda stupidto me, its sorta like with the wizard trick plate, haha.


well then obviously youre both dumb. thats it.
you dont have to ride pegs, but saying that its stupid that other people do is a joke. go tell corey martinez that he should be able to icepick up handrails because he shouldnt have pegs on his bike.