Pros/Cons of Scooter Resource


updated everything. come on guys, i want this to be a good thread and stop fighting on here you fucking orangatangs

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member
people judge you for your fucking age. every post about me includes me being 12 and people never shut the fuck up about it.

it was the best video i've seen all day, thats for sure. the song kinda put off the vibe the riding had.

but hey, i probably would have thought bsmiths video was the shit back when i was 12 too, so no worries mang.

Lolol he is 12...
And I couldn't watch it it was just too boring I have better things to do then watch over 6 minutes of quarters.
Blake's video was 100x better. Probably the Best opus part so far

Seriously, keep him in the zoo away from the real world. Nick Griffin, you're in sixth grade. Go study your spelling words.

off topic but even a 12 year old can see this, i thought as a sport we would have our own direction as we once had but not the case right now, i see a change coming once everyone realises how much easier it is to be unique and being yourself rather than following others

thats one thread^


Steel Member
I got am idea, stop complaining about the communtiy, we ride scooters. We are about as gay as it gets already, whining like a bitch does nothing.