Proto Buffs or Crows

alec logan

Bronze member
It all depends on YOUR riding style, If you like backsweep, or you dont. but i would go with crows cause they're pretty good, and wont bend probably. but your buff's might.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
It's preference. Buffs are definitely not pieces of shit. I had three pairs, I sold them and ended up buying different newer/taller ones because I missed them so much. IMO, they're amazing especially since you can change heighth/width on them without spending that much. I'd get buffs, but it's your choice.


Staff member
I have buffs, the lucky ones and I love them there just like the original aluminum oversized protos
the backsweep is nice and comfortable but I was so much better with T bars. And I miss my buffs, they were soo nicee. so before you decide definitely decide whether or not you want to ride backsweep or not. Or better yet, just get both and change every now and then. I wish i could have both crows and T bars cuz I like the crows a lot for just flowin