Proto Orion - French ID


Staff member
Okay to start this off dont post in here if your gonna
- Ask where my flight deck went (long story basically my friend took it)
- Dont have one or cant give a legit answer on one
- Are gonna say any bullshit about the this or that thread no one ever posts in there.

So basically, i have $200 i saved up for a new deck because i do not have one anymore. I'm either thinking of a proto (4.5 x 20), or a frid. Im asking about what you guys think of them because if im going to put that much money into a scooter part i want it to be good.
- Which one grinds better.
- Which one is stronger.
- Which one would you get.
- Are protos good for fingerwhips.

So yeah basically Im looking into these because they are big, and i hate small decks even phoenixs. Thoughts/reviews


Staff member
I dont give a shit about looks and ive seen both in person so i know.

And right now im leaning towards the frid because its integrated and it comes with an integrated headset...


Staff member
dont get a frid if you even want to do noseblunts or overcrooks
and trust me, if you've never done them, you will, there fun as shit


Steel Member
I'd go Proto because there aren't enough people riding FrIDs to give any testament to their durability. And Proto has a warranty, plus it's on sale right now.