Psychoactive drug discussion

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Steve Moore

Steel Member
Did oxy all day today. Felt "lovey" and wanted to cuddle with this cute girl, haha. As gay as that may sound, it sounded perfect at the time. All together I did about 25mg, with little to no tolerance. Very nice.

Steve Moore

Steel Member
promethazine for breakfast, lean for lunch!----juicy J

so damn fucked up, i don't give a damn bruhhh
Nice, dude.

I'm getting 3 7.5mg Oxys (22.5mg total) and dropping them all before homeroom tomorrow morning. I'm really stoked. I just hope my tolerance is down enough =/.

Steve Moore

Steel Member
Well, my tolerance was down enough. And I had a fantastic time. Sorry I didn't update on how my day was going. I know you guys were EAGERLY awaiting to see how my day went...

Possibly trying Hydrocodone (Vicodin) tomorrow. One of the opiates I've always wanted to try. I'll post in here during/after my experience tomorrow, wish me luck =).

Steve Moore

Steel Member
Try some real drugs Steve.
Hopefully getting some Mescaline this weekend.
I assume by "real drugs" you mean psychedelics? I do enjoy psyches every now and then. I've done salvia, shrooms, DXM, and Benadryl (More of a deliriant than a psychedelic.). It's hard to find other psychedelics in my area, such as LSD, Peyote, Ketamine, or even shrooms sometimes. In my area it's usually just bud, Oxy, K-Pins, Xanax, H, Coke, and Vicodin.


Staff member
I need to get around to it, Aldous Huxley is in my opinion one of the smartest people who ever lived, Brave New World is fucking mind blowing, its literally one of the greatest works of literature ever. I admire Aldous so much, he had such a logical view on the world, and was a really good person in general.

Steve Moore

Steel Member
Holy ----- I just did a five page research paper on Aldous Huxley. Doors of Perception and Brave New World are both great books. And parrish, how much Mescaline are you doing? And how much are you paying for it? I honestly have no idea about Mescaline prices.

Also, you guys might find this interesting/funny:

Fun fact: Aldous Huxley died a few hours after JFK was shot.
Fun fact 2: Aldous Huxley was almost completely blind in both eyes for some time as a teenager.


Bronze member
Yeah, definitely a smart man. My friend's dad look extremely similar to him, it's kinda scary haha.

And Parrish I have no idea how I remember this, but I just realized you used to have Huxley as your profile picture. Holy shit.


Steel Member
Is it possible to do a few different hallucinogens or psycadelics at the same time to get stacked effects on your perception/high?

I'm wondering about how out there you could go without being able to function (draw, paint, play music, etc) but while also getting some really insane views on your world thrown at you.

Like shrooms paired with acid or some other pairing of the like.


Steel Member
promethezine codiene sryup is the shit my friend wohs a girl has bottle of it and i out alot on a blunt. How much do you think she could sellthe bottle for its 150mg?
But i guess ive heard it doesnt work on blunts but it got me pretty fucked who knows the real story?


Bronze member
Smoking DMT at the height of an LSD trip. Terence McKenna did this pretty often, pretty much every time he did LSD. Soooo crazy.

I don't know how he didn't get stuck in another dimension, hahaha.
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