razor skatepark???

VFox said:
do u mean just one scooter park or all over the country. because its not worth traveling acroos the country to ride it. IMO. and they probally go out of bussiness with just scooters......

no he prob means like some of them everwhere, and thats y we need scootering to get bigger and put our names out there and maby some more people might like the sport and then thats y they have to build more around the country so more scooters can come in :mad:


Steel Member
in my opinion that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard razor making a sk8 park wow no ( no offense to asians) scooters are mainelly used to get asians in china to work and thats the truth
Matthew likes his BM said:
k well i dont know personally, but from what i hear, just forget the idea. i guarentte you that that is the last thing on razors to do list. but it would be tight

probably too much of a liability.

Diamondbar has gotten full of scooter riders ever since the law passed allowing us there.

it can get annoying at times though because they almost killed me a few times, haha

Matt Ogle

oh dude i know. weve got alot of little scooter kids at our freepark now, and most of them get on my nerves. except junior. i love him


Matthew likes his BM said:
oh dude i know. weve got alot of little scooter kids at our freepark now, and most of them get on my nerves. except junior. i love him


at my local ther are so many little scooter kids that snake everyone and almost run into them all the time...

everyone gets annoyed and thats wehat gives scooterin a bad name..
fuk that gary i feel sorry for u we have heaps at luemeah but it is big i cant imagen having little kids every where at bass hill that would be gay as...
Im gettin the sign changed to "Experienced Scooter Riders Only" on the park...

Or have pee wee hours or somethin, cause somebody is going to get plastered on a quarterpipe...lol
If there's lighting in the park just ride at night, as the little kids obviously won't be there. If there's no lighting maybe petition the town to make it or ride like at early morning or something.


the SD local said:

They wouldn't even put ramps in their warehouse for us let alone a skatepark. That will never happen because they are cheap and it would cost them more then it's worth.

Now petitioning every existing city skatepark in country to start allowing scooters or getting insurance that covers them would be a far better cause.
we did that with diamond bar, how we got past the insurance card i'll never know.

but we are trying to get another park to legally allow scooters.