

Steel Member
hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahah. "are you stealing his water"


Steel Member
Say you're gay. He'll tell everyone. Become good friends with a girl. Then ask her what a vagina would feel like. She'll think she could make you straight and then you have sex with her. You tell that bully and everyone else you're straight and then tell the bully, and or, everyone else because you had sex. ( before the bully?)

Win fucking win.

I'm a genius.


No, you're 10.

hahahahahaha only a kid in middle school would think of that

Say you're gay. He'll tell everyone. Become good friends with a girl. Then ask her what a vagina would feel like. She'll think she could make you straight and then you have sex with her. You tell that bully and everyone else you're straight and then tell the bully, and or, everyone else because you had sex. ( before the bully?)

Win fucking win.

I'm a genius.

that doesn't even make sense

connor Donnelly

Bronze member
just whoop his ass, if you get in trouble get your principle to call me and i will say i told you to do it, in 3rd grade a 5th grader was fucking with me so i punched him in the face and my problem was solved


Steel Member
1.Find a way into his house
2.Obtain insulin needles from diabetic or otherwise
3. Go to his house at night
4. inject the needle into the webs of his toes
5.Laugh when he dies and you get away with it

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
how do you have the balls to do any of this revenge shit but you seriously won't just confront him? if you get caught doing any of this you're fucked waaay harder than if you just walk up and punch him in the mouth.


Steel Member
Walk over look him straight in the eye and ask him why. He'll either laugh or come up with some bs excuse. Make him feel really uncomfortable by just staying perfectly calm, then shake your head and walk off. He will either stop if he has any heart, if not do the same thing again and as you walk off trip him, and kick him in the stomach.


Steel Member
all the weird eye contact behaviour stuff is dumb.
Its either violence or no payback, if you give him payback he will probably beat the shit out of you i say just man up and fight him or ignore him

Sam Bennett

Silver Member
No people I haven't got my revenge yet but I just ignored him for a while then the filthy cunt gollied on my leg!

More ideas guys!