Tbog by KevinTuohy, on Flickr
Double Turndown by KevinTuohy, on Flickr
Ray's MTB
They came out kinda poopy because of my shutter speed, but whatever it was my first time shooting riders
hey i met a kid at woodward like 2 years ago do you know him? his name is reed boggs he a fucking boss
^^ That's not a turndown... Thats a crappy tweaky thing
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yo dude use flash, turn yo aperture up, iso down, and shutter speed to like 1/60 or 1/80 - wont be grainy and theyre slow shutter speeds cus there wont be blur, itll be dark cus of aperture, so wat "freezes" the picture is the flash, just a tip
It's especially kinky because he ate shit.