Haha thats what i though a propper tailwhip was, it's what i've been trying to do all the time.
Anyway when i've done this its been when i've focused on pointing my toes up and dropping my heel, so try that i guess.
Try going off a small curb and when i catch i stick my foot out so it will hit the deck, then pull up at about the same time, it should only take a few trys to land it. I teach all the little scooter kids at my local that way and they like the technique.
- Hope i helped
pull the deck to your feet and as piccadlly said, toes up, heels down. cant really master it flat, use a small bank box or out of a flyout with no coping/roll-in
i stick one foot out when it is nearly all the way round i dont really think about it if you do it all the time just do it like everyday then it becomes a muscle memory and just does it automaticly
That's what I'm trying to do. The problem is that I stomp on the deck as well as bringing it up to me, so I land instantly. I realised this when doing doubles off a kicker - I naturally put my feet down after one whip.