The "This or That" thread!


Steel Member

sorry for stretching page...

hep tron or rewinds or c4 bars or vertx g bars?
in raw or black?

Tron bars, would you be interested in trading that Scs for a silver one?


Ok, so i have a razor ultra pro, and tomorrow im buying a lucky evo 2 deck and headtube off of my friend. I know my blunt headset and yak wheels will fit the lucky deck. But will the razor ultra pro fork fit? Im sorry im just confused, so can someone please help me?


Steel Member
My dad has a blackberry, my mum an iphone - both are due for an upgrade so I'm being offered both. So blackberry of iphone?

Edit - it would be mainly used for internet, texting and facebook.

Hamish C

Steel Member
Seriously? Is it that much better than proto and phoenix?

no, i still think proto scs is the best IMO because it fits my mgp without spacers and looks the best but its personal opinion, phoenix sucks cause it only fits standard bars but looks decent (slim one, grenade looks rank) tilt looks decent and fits oversize or standard but is nothing special its no different from proto just slightly lighter and smaller and looks different obviously.