Devin Parker
Wheres the integrateds?
Wheres the integrateds?
Seems pretty good i ride alot of vert/bowls so a better deck would be nice.Yes! you can feel the differance right away, after I rode for half an hour, I went back to my old scoot, and I have to say I love my old scooter we have been together over a year now and I felt we have a great relationship, but after I rode the the new Flight 20 Intergrated I felt like I cheated on my old scooter. It wasssss sooooo goooood. She is a bit slimer than my old one, and lighter too, The concave on my feet stuck like glue. I hit the 8 ft quarter and aired further than I ever have. the fealing in my heart was like love. I hit it again and again, I was just like oh my god oh my god oh my god, jut typing this I can still feel the rush. I love the rush I get from riding (and I am afraid of hieghts) I felt so confident on this deck it was insane! Now my old deck feals fat and heavy and I don't know how to tell her... uh we need to talk.
oh meh gawsh