dude, after double d it gets a little scary like fs and shit? once it takes energy to motorboat her there too big
not wiff ma gf its goooooood
dude, after double d it gets a little scary like fs and shit? once it takes energy to motorboat her there too big
well, at the pentagon they found an unmanned aircraft manufactured in the u.s., my dads friend helpd clean up afterwards, also the government did it all to show they have control, so by making 911 and then coming up with conspiricies and making conspiricy sites they can seen like they have control, also the people who were telling bush what to do needed an exsuse to go to the middle east for war because they wanted to have people over there collecting oil for halloburton to suply with is owned by the bush family in turn giving bush and his family more money
that is just a brief overview of a few of the many things going on in that whole fucked up situation
I go by GASTON
i beat up edyboi and he is no gangster, jk lol