things you HATE

Jamie Gantz

Steel Member
kids who constantly talk about weed cuz they think it makes them cool
hot weather
living in a town where there's nothin to do but ride

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
lol take alot of pills much?

lol too many, i may be as drowsy as lilwayne in his tim westwood freestyle, but it kinda worked a little bit. im still resisting the itchiness of my eyes and i still cant breath out of 1.5 of my nostrils, but at least im not sneezing :)

edit, and i just took the rest of the daily dose of clearguard.
i hate brecking my nose becouse now iv had a Deviated Septum ( where your nasel cavity is small on one side or both sides ) for two years now and its so hard to breath through my nose becouse mine is pretty bad and i have to wait to get surgery untill i stop growing