things you HATE


Steel Member
"I don't like either Obama or Romney, so I refuse to vote"

What about a third party?

"Those never win"

Well no fucking shit sherlock, they'll win even less if you don't even vote.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Atheism is an idea. That idea is full of fuck

its not an idea. its the lack of belief in a god due to lack of evidence. its not the idea there is no god, it is the lack of belief in one because no one can prove it and the assertion is therefore worthless. the lack of a banana isnt possession of a banana.

another thing i hate, when people misunderstand atheism.

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member
waiting for the god damn ups truck.
my phone.
my scooter until i get my parts.
how i dont have anyone to ride with.
how my mom doesnt want me to go to bens house next month.
how im on the flow team because i didnt try hard enough for my video.
how my filmer isnt that good at filming.
how i dont have my own camera.
my style now.
how diamond supply shirts are so expensive.
the fact that i dont know when the supreme snapback i want is gonna drop.
how ryan weaver isnt mod anymore.
how noone wants my phase two bars.