RyAn SuLliVaN!!
okay is the Tsi deck good and like what does the reinforced deck and headtube look like. im probably getting omne and idk much about. and sorry if i posted in the wrong section.
WhY dO PeOplE do ThIs wITh tHeIR wOrDs? DoES tHeiR cApS LOck ButTON hAVe tOUreTtes?
I aLwAyS wOnDeR tHaT tO
This is my nigga be cool
i love tsis but if you like whips go with a phoenix deck
jesus christ, no wonder everyone's leaving this site.
im gonna ride my scooter all the way to your house and kick you in the penisokay is the Tsi deck good and like what does the reinforced deck and headtube look like. im probably getting omne and idk much about. and sorry if i posted in the wrong section.
Really? k