tsi flight deck reviue

Mikey G

Shutup dirt clod.

Why you hating yo? He's just saying his opinion that it was funny. Just cause his name is dirt clod doesn't make him like a giraffe with AIDS or something.

Why are you guys getting butt hurt? he was trying to make a useful review for a deck then you guys started pissing in each others corn flakes.
STFU! stop whining like little masterbateing fuckers, he tried to do something to benifet YOU.he wants you guys to get the deck because he thinks it will benifet YOU. he likes it very much, so he wants YOU to benifet from it to. i spelled benifet wrong, whoopdedo its the internet, i dont have to speel everery thing correctly.stop arguing


Staff member

Last post I'm making in this thread, but look at your quote on my first post. You did the same thing dumbfuck.

Also, sorry about my first post, it was a pretty good review set aside the spelling and grammar.