weight lifting


Lol I've benched once, and I don't even know what I did because it was too long ago.

My friend was like the strongest kid ever, he won all these comps and won them all. He didn't bench I think he squatted and he did like 300lbs or something like that.
tysonpaul said:
HAHA sean kelly you probably couldnt even do 20!!

you cant bench 20..impossible..especially since msot bars sale for atleast 45 pounds to 50...

anyways..I weight lift al lthe time..everyday in our school gym and at my house with weights I bought..I dont really liek to bench..but I usually do sets of 145 10 times each, with sets of 5...then I lower the weight to rest..I liek to curl with dumbells and I do pulls ups alot..I can get 35 pull ups max right now...I have maxed out benching at 230 2 times...msot ive ever tried..ive been mainly working out ab muscles and chest and back...

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
haha despite working out every day, i can only bench like 150? i think.. ive been lifting weights for like 2 years and did nothing but bicep and abs for like a year...just a few months ago i started doing everything else, now im in the habit of doing it every night.


ive done 180, 10 reps.

cant do a second set though. death.

but i took weight training this year for school and i was only doing 110 in the beginning so i made some improvement there. but when doing all 4 sets i normally do about 160.
maxed 165 last year, but i havent lifted shit since. No one believes me cuz i'm a tall ass skinny kid with no muscle mass lol


I own SR.
I maxed out at like 215 in 8th grade... and that was like 10 years ago.

I have weights but rarely use them but a couple weeks ago Tanner and some other people were over and I repped 200 like 3 times or something.

P.S. - This thread and some of these old posts make me laugh...