what is "tech" style?


Bronze member
sorry, i never really understood when people said a certain rider is "tech" and what not. someone explain please. lol
Tech is basically when someone does "combo" tricks. Tech would be like (example: ) 180 bar to fakie, to fakie 3, to barspin, to downside out. Same would apply with using manuals and everything else to do a "string" of tricks. Tech is like a bunch of little tricks thrown together and balance is usually key. Consistency is big too because more than one trick is done. Whipping a 9 stair would be the opposite of tech.

For Tech please refer to (Jordan Jasa)


Steel Member
Tech is the opposite of going big, although Ryan Williams does kind of have a tech element. Jordan Jasa, Noah Risser and Kilean are the kings of tech riding. Also, check out the flatland thread - that tends to be quite techy although some people can go big on flat.