Your dreams thread

Bear Grylls

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Steel Member
when i was a kid, i used to have this dream that scared the shit out of me and was recurring! i always had a dream that i was watching the wiggles and after about 5 minutes of watching it, the purple wiggle jeff would say "hello david, we meet again" on the tv and that was so scary for me. i always woke up after that


Bronze member
Every once in a while that I'm sprinting through a white room chasing a bowl of oatmeal. One type I woke up during the middle of the dream and woke up on the kitchen floor holding a oatmeal packet


Steel Member
Wanna dream? Google "slenderman".read about him. Then go to YouTube and type in "MarbleHornets" watch all entry's from one to the most recent, every shadow, every creak, just think is slenderman. One morning I woke up at 5:30 looked out my window and saw some guy walking in a black and white suit. Couldn't sleep for like a week. Later found out it was my neighbor who goes to a boarding school(that's what the suit was for) going to the busstop.

Mother of balls that was terrifying. 19 was trippy


I don't have exciting dreams.
All there is basically is a recurring dream that I had till I was like 7.
I would walk out of my room and go to the banister at the top of the stairs. Then my sight would sort of zoom out so it looked like the bottom was 100 feet below, I would get dizzy then fall over the banister and right before I hit the ground I would wake up suddenly.


Silver Member
Lucid dreaming isn't about remembering dreams. I never found that method to be very good.
It's all about knowing when you are and aren't dreaming. RC's (Reality Checks) while awake are the best way to begin lucid dreaming. but you'd better be keen to put some effort in to make it happen.


like i know that everyone dreams every night but i havent remembered any dreams in like a year. therefore its hard to lucid dream


Steel Member
I was gong to make a read about this, but I lucid dream frequently and I love it. I have a dream journal too, I'll post some stuff here from my recent dreams

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
i had a weird dream about me and the homies gettin some food and we met dakota roche and he was super chill. idk it seemed real. haha