Your Eshays/Lads Experiences.


Steel Member
Lads are not precisely gangsters. Half of the
only hang out with or dress like
Lads to fit in a group. Half of them are actually big tough cunts.
90% dropped out of high school and the 10% remaining go to shitty
Public schools. They don't take showers. Most of them do graffiti. They roll in packs
. They wear polo Ralph Lauren, Nike runners, nautica, tommy hilfiger and short sport shorts. They enjoy going to rave concerts and gabba(lad dance).a lot of them are from the western Sydney area. Ranging between the ages of 11-24. So to conclude this, they are the walking scum of Sydney. They make sydney a bad place to live in sometimes!

Forgot to add their favourite past-times:
-Being Public nuisances
-Giving bad looks
-Stealing phones and money from innocent youths (this activity is called 'Rolling')
-Stealing clothing
-Fighting in groups with other lads or just random youths
-Popping Collars
-Playing their music off their phone on the train so everyone can hear
-Making Sydney a bad city to live in
-Taking drugs


Silver Member
This reminds me of this kid who called Robert a rat and we told him to do the Truffle Shuffle and Robert mooned them, then the next time tat he park he wanted to fight us, and fought a random person

djs 2233

Steel Member
Post up stories of your experiences with eshays and lads. Trying to get this section alive and i'm sure we have all had experiences with them.

So today I was just riding with a bunch of guys from like parramatta or something ( they were all fine) and this one asian lad guy went up to one of the guys and was like give me your hat, he didnt and then the lad guy snatched it of him and started to walk away when this one fat guy (stefan grudic) confronted them about, things kinda escalated from there and he pretty much tried to choke the asian guy, but then all his lad friends jumped in and he pretty much got fucked up, but then both the guys got pulled out and the asian kid had lost his glasses so we found them for him but then everything got sorted out.

hahahahaha oh shit! i could never see stefan doing that.
!here aren't many real lads around my area, most of them stay away from you. But we do have dick heads that try to start fights.
They really are complete scum though.


Steel Member
Apparently alex collins got badly fucked up at chatswood a couple years back, any of the friendly crew know about that?

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member
there seems to be alot of them on my tumblr dashboard.

is this one


Silver Member
wow you could not be further off


this would be your typical shit-for-brains group of lads, note that they still think santa is real because they dropped out of school in year 4

they look sorta nerdy

here is the america version

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
their style is horrid. its like a combination of being preppy and pre 2006 fratboy fagtrons. its awful. They seem like a bunch of hardasses but they're apparel shows the exact opposite


Steel Member
I don't quite understand, are you saying that its weird because the people in manzies picture would stab you?

Grant Schofield

Silver Member
Well since I live on America this is extremely far out for me to comprehend because it way different than America, but the picture Jackson posted is how lads dress? And they stab people? The people who dress like that in America get made fun of hahaha


Steel Member
If you were there and you said they look gay to their face you would probably get the shit beaten out of you if not stabbed

D ∆ V I D

Basic Bunch
thats so awful, that is just so weird and pathetic. their style doesn't match their personalities. that style is how kids in my area dress regularly. preppy, but a bit more fashionably coordinated than them

Grant Schofield

Silver Member
The kids that dress like that in america are the kids that kill themselves due to bulling sadly, so wierd that they're the australian equivilant of gangsters. hhaha