Yeah, i'm still alive
i still ride
i still ride for eagle and district
and yeah... i love my set up
Addict bars Mckeen sig
District grips
District double light clamp
Addict int. headset
District v3 fork
District dk2 deck
Eagle Fernando Young hollowtech wheels
Eaglesport ceramic bearings
Your scooter thread- Give people your opinions of their scooters.
My Opinion- Those bars are ugly
Story- Ended
little eye candy of my scoot. v-codee
Yeah, i'm still alive
i still ride
i still ride for eagle and district
and yeah... i love my set up
Addict bars Mckeen sig
District grips
District double light clamp
Addict int. headset
District v3 fork
District dk2 deck
Eagle Fernando Young hollowtech wheels
Eaglesport ceramic bearings
Why does everyone feel the need to post 'get wider bars' or 'get a black clamp' as if the person posting the scooter cares about what you're telling them to do?
Why does everyone feel the need to post 'get wider bars' or 'get a black clamp' as if the person posting the scooter cares about what you're telling them to do?