Lucky NW
ODI Softee's boil'd & stretched
ODI Thug Plugs
Tilt HIC
Fsa Orbit
Addict V1.5
Tilt Legacy
Proto Sliders
1 Tilt chromo
Love it so much.
Uh idk.
to cool to answer a simple question smart ass? no wonder why everyone hates you.
to cool to answer a simple question smart ass? no wonder why everyone hates you.
dude its not a hard question to answer lol
and william, your scooter looks pretty good, minus the forks.
dude its not a hard question to answer lol
and william, your scooter looks pretty good, minus the forks.
you basically already did. lol
you should have just ignored the question.
would look better with a small scs and no spacers imo
Your scooter was mutha-fuckin prime with those old slayers and proto deck. I love old slayers these new ones are ugly.
YES! If I could find some 20w classic slayers I would never change my bars again!