Did you grind down the front of a deck? or cut it? or do they come like that?
Odi longnecks
Torn Bars 21h 19w
proto scs
fsa orbit MX
Lucky SMX
Proto Sliders
Proto orion 83,4.5,20
nooooooo i have this deck and i dont want to see it break cause you break phoenixs like every 5 months
yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss kyle
and your old wheels..hahaI Can't tell if I love this or hate it, My old bars though!
love you too babe <3I <3 CARLJR
hahaha i enjoyed this post. but yeah i hope i dont break it but i probably will. im prediscting the break will be a mix of a phonix snap and district snap, right where its welded to the top i think it will crack and break, but not the hole deck. lets see if this prediction comes true!
If you look closely on the front wheel urethane to the left of the fork you can see something that looks to begod dam these are sexy... and are the yaks 110? or 100..
god dam these are sexy... and are the yaks 110? or 100..
Odi longnecks
Torn Bars 21h 19w
proto scs
fsa orbit MX
Lucky SMX
Proto Sliders
Proto orion 83,4.5,20