Joey Wallace

Steel Member
best on page wold def be bens, but ben, i dont know why but that scooter would look alot better without the phorxs... i just dont like how they look on that scoot.


Staff member
best on page wold def be bens, but ben, i dont know why but that scooter would look alot better without the phorxs... i just dont like how they look on that scoot.

Why thank you. And it looks better in person, I think I'll take a better pic.

Edit: and username, how bout the only Ben?

Joey Wallace

Steel Member
hahaha^ and take one.. i dont feel like riding my district anymore so i put my ambush deck back on... BIG deffrence lol. ill upload a pic of it.
EDIT: heres the pics..


Joey Wallace

Steel Member
no they fucking suck lol.. mines about to break lol. and thats one reason why ambush is out of buissness is because of their shitty decks haha but theyre like 2x stronger then a district so if you could imagine that then yea lol


Steel Member
----- my life still stuck in america and im on a crappy hotel computer atm lol. Be able to post my new scooter up soon though :)