
Steel Member
No backsweep? I want.
And also I thought you said you weren't gonna cut your forks fag

I didn't fag thats a full Scs, and what are you talking about Stickers?

and Tyler It feels just like the V2 since I cut it down but with a better hta grinds the same and everything, I haven't ridden a proto deck but I should be getting mine from Derek soon so I'll tell you how that goes when I ride it


Staff member
Oh shit I need to pay more attention to the parts on your scooter stackies

And to the guy above me, I'm sorry but that thing is so ugly. But Thats just because I hate Phoenix parts. Especially when its a complete
Prepare for ididntwanttomakeawholenewthreadsoipostedhereinstead - post.

I quit riding for about ~2 years ago because of personal problems and such, so i was gonna ask. what is the best non-fancy and solid scooter on the market, that is cheap and worth the price?
fuzion, razor, or madd if you're looking for a complete. if you wanna build it yourself or something a cheap option would probably be a blunt/envy or a district.