Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)


Bronze member
I don't know. I kinda like the look if a scooter that looks like it was vomited on by a rainbow. Its not just a boring colour scheme.


Steel Member
It is the perfect scooter kid ride, the colors fit for something a 5th or 6th grader would pick. Hes probably stoked on it (the revention). But that district is clean as fuck.


Steel Member
That District is just as gaudy and tasteless as the Reventon, for people trying to split hairs over "clean" setups. I like them both though, fwiw.


Steel Member
that revention is art! haha, i like :), it actually looks like its computer generated, it looks unreal, i dont like the district, its a v2, and v2's suck so bad, shouldve gotten a benj fraint deck, and wtf is with them raymond warner sig bars? the bottom was sprayed white and the top left silver? i dont like.... what wheels has that white thing got cus they look MADD probs some unheard of brand but they look sick, and why the chequered blue and black griptape? it looks like poop, would be nice in just black. and is it just me or does that revention look about 12 long? it looks short as, haha, funny camera angle


Bronze member
the reventon is sick but has a little to many colors for my taste the green fork looks really nice with the gray though

Hunter Treviranus

Silver Member
that revention is art! haha, i like :), it actually looks like its computer generated, it looks unreal, i dont like the district, its a v2, and v2's suck so bad, shouldve gotten a benj fraint deck, and wtf is with them raymond warner sig bars? the bottom was sprayed white and the top left silver? i dont like.... what wheels has that white thing got cus they look MADD probs some unheard of brand but they look sick, and why the chequered blue and black griptape? it looks like poop, would be nice in just black. and is it just me or does that revention look about 12 long? it looks short as, haha, funny camera angle
