Don't I know you? I'm pretty sure I've met you before. Why are you acting all hard now. In the last few years since I returned you turn into some kind a hood nigga or what? Honestly you only sound ignorant as fuck.
I recently went on a hiatus from this site and focused on school and my motocross career, but then I recently picked up my scooter and realized how much I still love it. I feel I would make a great Mod to this site. If not I respect your decision in every way. Sincerely, Anthony S.
Hey Andrew, I think I would be qualified to be an SR mod. I have been around this website for over five years, and have watched it through major its progression.
How do you convince yourself to throw it? I have them dialed every try to foam. I just cant seem to get the balls to throw it straight to wood. Any tips? And don't say grow some balls because thats stupid.