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  1. W

    Your Scoot UK?

    17 ftw?
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    stfu donkey kong
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    i hate it. its so hot my balls scrap the pavement
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    Your Scoot UK?

    i swear its germany lmao o well anyway the guy aka 'pomfrit' actually has down sydrome and thats really his surname lol man you couldnt make this shit up...
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    weird/funny rules you have in your house.

    toilet seat always down, rats might climb through? no scooting in the house, after my bed scooting idea im sure theres more... meh
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    Your Scoot UK?

    ^ donkey kong.
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    [poll] starting to bike

    at my park they ditch bmx for scoots :D
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    ya mumma jokes

    Yo momma so fat shes got more chins than a chinese phone book Yo momma so fat i call her puss in boots. Yo momma so old that when i told her to act her own age, she died. lol. EDIT: ye i think devon garcia pwned us all
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    Your Scoot UK?

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    Your Scoot UK?

    wet dream much?
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    United Kingdom

    lol pwn3d ^
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    Scooter to buy

    lol alec your an expert with foldies
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    Your Scoot UK?

    <3 sexy scoot
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    The angry Englishman thread.

    lol ben, my gran jst gives me muney which makes me happy englishman EDIT: after some muney from my gran i see this advert. dum fucking kid thinks he can put his scooter in the dishwasher, wat a DOUCHE BAG.
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    i saw a skater run over a chav once
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    The angry Englishman thread.

    when mates want to swap wheels at a train station and ends up launching my black panther bearing into the track, grr.
  17. W

    Fuzion Scooters in the uk cant gte them :(

    lol i saw this in the chatbox, and yea dont get one !ill
  18. W

    front and back wheel

    somehow my mate talked me into getting a 110 eagle for the front, havent got it yet wat a mistake.