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  1. thogan

    What you like to see in a video part?

    The easiest way to get coverage in our industry is by releasing video parts. Every riders does it, some have the gnarliest clips in the world but poorly filmed and some are the other way around. Josh Smukal's SR Exclusive dropped today and there were many unique elements to his part for example...
  2. thogan


    Yeah I'm on pro for quitting
  3. thogan

    The "What Camera Should I Get?" Thread

    Don't buy just off of the name, the only decent gs cameras are the 320 and 500. A gs39 would be tight for a cap cam that's about it.
  4. thogan

    The Florida Ride Video

    Hyped to see the who has first and last part
  5. thogan


    I have ridden one and I hated the feeling of it, they had the right idea witht the headtube adding more footspace but it does not add much on a 19 inch deck. The dropouts are so bad they should not even be there they do not help for feebles, fakie feebs, or hurricane. The only thing they help...
  6. thogan


    beat was icy
  7. thogan

    SDL throwawaytage

    this tage got me so hyped. SDL fucking kills it.
  8. thogan

    MEETUPS @ KENT 360

    Myself, my buddy colter and my best skating friends cade and alex made this video. Peep.
  9. thogan


    pro: ian herncjar am: ben jelinek facebook coverage: ceeb
  10. thogan


  11. thogan

    SDL Montage

    dank but needs hunter footy
  12. thogan

    Tim Hogan | Toqued

    toquedboys. stoked on my part.
  13. thogan

    play it or delay it

  14. thogan


    This has been out for a couple of weeks, but have not posted it yet. Peep the toquedboys first montage.
  15. thogan


    Keaton Mclean is super good, this part always gets me hyped.
  16. thogan

    2014 Trends

    More full lengths, which is never a bad thing in my opinion.
  17. thogan

    Your riding footwear?

    I back pretty much all Lakai models. Lindens and Howards have to be my favorite. Also, Dekline shoes are extremely good and feel really good.
  18. thogan

    Most Underrated Decks in the Market

    French ID decks. These decks were amazing until the company started to die out.
  19. thogan


    I am sure there is a thread about this subject, but I have not been active in forever. What is your guy's opinion on crews. Personally, I back a group of homies putting all of there content together under one name. Some people do no like it though and think it is just one of those new trends on...
  20. thogan

    Grime_Tage 2

    Filmed with a vx700 park throwaway from individual parts being filmed. Featured Ben Jelinek, Tim Hogan, Colter Cusimano, Nathen Dusenbery, and Nikolai Jelinek. Some grimy folks. Enjoy.