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  1. Spadger

    Middle Man

    But isn't blazinride unlegit?
  2. Spadger

    Middle Man

    Oh that's a bummer.... Wait a minute, fd hardly have anything in stock, do they actually ever have any grippers in stock?
  3. Spadger

    Middle Man

    Thanks cralle, but how long would it take to get here approx? I really have no idea how to find it out.
  4. Spadger

    Middle Man

    How much would it be though? I have no idea how much it would be.
  5. Spadger

    Middle Man

    Hi Guys, I want a pair of PROTO - Gripper 110mm (White on Red) wheels and if I get them from the UK it's £80 which is about $130 but if I get them from the US it's half the price. Would anyone be willing to be a middle man, as freestyle depot don't ship international and I really want these...
  6. Spadger

    Scootah of t3h m0nth: MAY voting thread!

    Nope, black district and phorx
  7. Spadger

    Scootah of t3h m0nth: MAY voting thread!

    Yay! I made it in finally!
  8. Spadger

    Anyone From UK Bought From TiteToyz?

    If you want demons, wait a little bit and legit scooters should have them in in the Uk
  9. Spadger

    Help on brakes for a disrict deck!!!

    Sorry for the bump, but does anyone know where I can get a TSI flexy in the UK? My district brake annoys the shit out of me! I put soo much bike tube around it, yet it still vibrates when I drop it. And it is the brake.
  10. Spadger


  11. Spadger


    First and hopefully last bump, as long as noone posts a banging-ass scooter straight after mine!
  12. Spadger

    Jake Clark

    Jake Clark: Making buttercups look good
  13. Spadger

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    WTF!!! That's immense! That green colour looks a bit like vomit but idk, and those wheels look huge, even though I know they're 110mm!
  14. Spadger

    SOTM: May Entry thread 2011

    1. FrID Steel Trees, District V2, 110 Rory Coe Eagles, Onza Mongo III headset, Phoenix forks, District bearings, ODIs, Savage Component Barends, Proto SCS, Mob grip LG PRO/SCOOT ID BAR WRAP!
  15. Spadger


    Thanks Rob, which pic should I use??
  16. Spadger


    1. 2. FrID Steel Trees, District V2, 110 Rory Coe Eagles, Onza Mongo III headset, Phoenix forks, District bearings, ODIs, Savage Component Barends, Proto SCS, Mob grip LG PRO/SCOOT ID BAR WRAP! Which pic for sotm? 1,2 or both
  17. Spadger

    PROTO Orion combo

    Ahhhh!! I want this deck so bad! It looks so sick! Just wondering, would it be cheaper to get one direct from Proto or wherever to the UK or from skatehut in the UK??
  18. Spadger

    crows, scorcher, eagles, rup deck.

    Never mind, it would be way to much, would just be cheaper to get some other bars from a UK based shop
  19. Spadger

    crows, scorcher, eagles, rup deck.

    How do I find out shipping??
  20. Spadger

    crows, scorcher, eagles, rup deck.

    How much for crows to the UK??