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  1. G

    mt cotton skatepark

    i'm bigger than you.
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    Sell me an MGP steertube.

    SELL IT TO HARRY OR I WILL COME KILL YOU! sorry harry, but i bought it, btw. sell one to harry, i will pay for shipping!
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    Aussie General Thread?

    brissy riders, cooparoo at about 9:30 jack cuthbert will be riding (finally) and mitchy and me and harry and maybe a few others, just go if you want to i don't really care. kind of late notice though lol
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    nice ben i am diggin' the 110 eagle, looks so much better!
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    WTB: Scs shipped to AUS

    Harry says he will buy it but you have to sign it mmkay?
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    Gen Y Scooters: Genesis Bars (Crows)! [Update 22/10 Pg 1]

    22 wide <12345341554135326538741632784537825146532176845763251784
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    LIMITED EDITION TSI! Only one made...

    i am in the designing stage of a plexiglass TSI deck plate. so it looks liek you are riding just a frame
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    lol MADD gear wheels. they height of slowness haha
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    Gen Y Scooters: Genesis Bars (Crows)! [Update 22/10 Pg 1]

    lol, i say the crossbar thing is to close to the steerube. also, they should go up to 22 wide and have a backsweep option. then i would buy them.
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    Will 110s fit XT forks?

    lol, 125mm fits XT forks. also, dom could you change your avatar, it's really disturbing
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    FS; Camera w/ Fish eye PICTURES ADDED.

    i will buy it for $150 USD shipped to AUS. does it still come with all the cords and the holder case and stuff? cause i am 100% intersested
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    eh. just a few more days till my setup will be amazing again. right now it is super shit.
  14. G

    razor ultra pro vs madd gear pro

    haha, i was just about to say that exact thing