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  1. SuicidalScooters

    Driveway footy

    What the....... is that even possible?
  2. SuicidalScooters

    best looking trick?

    360 deckgrabs or 360 downside whips down stairsets
  3. SuicidalScooters

    To Rob P.S sorry

    Yeah you are trolling on a scooter forum, which makes you cool, right? Please you're being a waste of time and space, gtfo.
  4. SuicidalScooters

    To Rob P.S sorry

    Haha calling us 13 year old little brats? We are not the ones trying pathetically hard to troll this website.
  5. SuicidalScooters


    Why? Because people hate on you? Come on, keep making videos, it shows progression. I don't think you could get sponsored yet, but I do know if you stick to scootering and keep progressing that you have a chance at one.
  6. SuicidalScooters

    ScooterResource KOTR?

    This would be incredibly sick for the scooter community.
  7. SuicidalScooters

    The Mind blowing thread

    If you look REAAALLLYYY CLOSE, you can see the guy above me is advertising his website.
  8. SuicidalScooters


    Amazing bump dude.
  9. SuicidalScooters

    new scooter

    I like this quote. And this dude is really trollin hard, lock all of his threads.
  10. SuicidalScooters

    Does this count?

    That doesn't answer his question.... I'd count it as a 360 whip dude. Whenever I do truckdrivers I throw the barspin around 270, but it's not called a 360 late bar. I say as long as u 360 and whip it, I'd say it counts as one.
  11. SuicidalScooters

    PS3 vs Xbox 360 vs WII vs PS2

    I play all of them, and Tbh, my favorites a PS2. From this generation, my favorites a PS3. I'm not a fan boy either, I like Xbox live a lot more than our crappy network. I have 7 friends who went from Xbox to PS3 or have both, they all said they that PS3 is overall better.
  12. SuicidalScooters

    Conor Keely

    Hey, don't talk down someone because they said they can do that stuff first try, because chances are they could. I've been riding for 10 months, and I could do most of the stuff in that video. The kid is good, but not sponsorship material yet. Keep riding though.
  13. SuicidalScooters

    Summer goals

    FLAT OR KICKER: Barstwists 540 Tuck no Bar to whip 360 whips OVER A STAIRSET (atleast a 5 or 6 stair): Fingerwhip 360 downside whip Heelwhip Deck Grab Nose grab 180 bar Truckdriver
  14. SuicidalScooters

    Shit Ass The Cat

    I think there is a moral to this story... When you can't handle your pet anymore, abandoning it on the side of the freeway is always an option.
  15. SuicidalScooters

    The Canadian Thread

    YES!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha dude, I've been waiting to hear that for soooo long, I live in Saint John, New Brunswick. You heading down here anytime soon, because I know I'm going to Halifax sometime this summer.
  16. SuicidalScooters

    No footed can help?

    Lift your feet up vertically, then kick them out, that way your deck wont move.
  17. SuicidalScooters

    Ben Jelinek Torn Scooters Entry

    Loving your finger whips dude, so clean, banger was pretty sick to. I'm not trying to bring anyone down, but GET A BETTER FILMER, jeez it's annoying to watch scootering when the camera jumps around like that. Also, try to use barspins more, You have sick 3 whips and fingerwhips, but tricks...
  18. SuicidalScooters

    Ask Questions Here

    Okay, well I have a problem, and I need some advice Okay well a skater put up a video about how if they see an inliner, Biker, or scooter rider at my local park they will have their @S$ kicked and their bikes/scooter broken. This guy was a lot older than me, probably 18. I WAS supposed to have...