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  1. V

    OG Riders that are no longer with us

    tru.dat you guys heard about him falling while trying to get over a fence and impaling his leg right?
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    OG Riders that are no longer with us

    meh, whatever he is, he's sick as shit. This will always be my favorite.
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    [moved] VS game

    Kenny PDA vs C'mere
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    Red Vs. Blue

    Damn, I like to capitalize words TOO.
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    Things not worthy of a thread but worth posting.
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    You, being a backseat mod.
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    Is Addison on crack? The answer on news at 6:00

    And we steel shit and get booty and we are ALWAYS drunk
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    lolololololololololol And, Phil, you fucking backseat mod.
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    Yeah man. I had this whole thing with this girl named Summer. And then I realized that she was a complete whore. Move on (yay for young blonde swimmers!)
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    Flash games

    Macromedia Flash 8 would be my guess. Get it for free at the Macromedia site, and then go find a crrrrrk for it.
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    Fav Colour

    Black is wierd. It is the absence of color rays being reflected. But in order for us to create black (like in pens or markers), we have to add every color together... and that is actually white. So idk.
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    [poll] BB coding tuturial for noobs

    Damn man, I wish I had somee sweet grammar skills like you do.
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    Red Vs. Blue

    Old. Can't fucking wait till Season 5 comes out. I have a Caboose shirt haha.
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    [poll] BB coding tuturial for noobs

    Guys, he asked me a question, I gave him an answer. Dickass, what the fuck did I do to you? Jack fucking shit that's what. So what if I'm a dick, have I been a dick to you (prior to this post)? Fuck no, so you know what, shut the fuck up and mind or own damn shit, god damn. And...
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    .999~ = 1

    Well shit. If I knew you guys knew about this shit i wouldn't have posted it.
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    Fav Colour

    magenta and orange.
  17. V

    [poll] BB coding tuturial for noobs

    Fucking retarded.
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    .999~ = 1

    I'm sorry dividing and multiplying single didgit numbers is hard for you. Have a cookie. Thanks for letting me know that the world cares so much about you that you just had to tell us you are retarded. Thanks <3
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    .999~ = 1
