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  1. G

    Phoenix deck!

    really want a phoenix deck. post picss
  2. G


    i have a 4th gen ipod nano 8gb blue. its near perfect. dont feel like taking pics right now. ill put them up tomorrow. let me knoww what you got
  3. G

    Bars, Wheels, Fork, ext sell cheap and quick

    kids legit^^ -kev ill buy the micro and proto. how much man? -the grips are edwins. i was there when he bought them I have the same ones
  4. G


    16 gb Itouch for deck. its the one right before the one with the camera. you ship first
  5. G

    Striker, Micro, Gripper

    go for it man^^^
  6. G

    Striker, Micro, Gripper

    ill think about it tevin. it just looks beat. my fork has literally only been rode for like 3 weeks. and im not that good so i dont beat it. nick-pics
  7. G

    Striker, Micro, Gripper

    Ill think about it. your shipping first if we do though. add anything?
  8. G

    Striker, Micro, Gripper

    -Pictures of the Inward.. is it 0 offset? -Offer on the gripper -No to the 20. its worth more. sorry
  9. G

    just trading for high end paintball stuff egos,axe,mini,rotor,tanks

    yo. i have a ton of paintball stuff. let me know. pm me -completely custom made smart part ion -07 proto -custom 06 shocker -JT pants Empire Jersey -Empire belt and 4 pods -halo hopper PM me
  10. G

    Striker, Micro, Gripper

    Selling/Trading in pictures: -110mm White Proto Gripper (rode on like 10 times) -110mm Micro (used but still in good condition, normal wear and tear) -Proto Striker Fork(threadless, cut for baby scs) Offer paypal or trades(you ship first) Looking for basically anything. especially decks...
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    I have powdercoated white baby slayers. Ill trade for yours Rads. they are brand new. never even rode on them. 22x20. Ill trade you ship first, you add.
  12. G

    Baby SCS help.

    No Slit. they are powdercoated white slays. i tighten i as much as i can and they arent staying in. they hold but as soon as i go to even jump they pull right out.
  13. G

    Baby SCS help.

    I tighten the scs as tight as it goes and i go to whip and the bars come out. I didnt think you need a shim with the baby scs. can anyone help?
  14. G

    fs/trade micro bullet deck, proto gripper, half knuckle

    8 gig brand new nano. still have the box. trade for something.
  15. G

    FS: 1 peice bars, Forks, Deck saver, complete deck, pus more PLEASE LOOK AND OFFER I NEED TO SELL

    how much for the deck and deck saver? and the prices seperate.
  16. G

    FS: Zolof's Real Name and details

    123456789098765432 doll hairs!
  17. G

    FS:----scs, one pieces, bike frame, crank,

    8gb nano. pics later for scs and bars
  18. G

    FS/FT Slayers, Ipod 80g video

    price for both? interested in bars though
  19. G

    inward fork and comprerion bolt $40.00 shipped!

    doublepost... i meant the fork