Search results

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    TSI vs. Phoenix

    Which in your opinion is better? oh and idgaf about scooter deck super thread. I just want to hear your opinion.
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    Deck questions?

    Questions: 1. Should I get a Pheonix or TSI? 2. Should I wait for the integrated headtubes or just buy it now? 3. What other new things are TSI and Pheonix planning on doing to their deck?
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    HIC Question

    Is there anyway possible to have HIC Compression without needing oversized bars??
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    When will integrated headsets be available?

    oh sorry typo. When will the roughly be out?
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    When will integrated headsets be available?

    When will integrated headsets be available for TSI and Pheonix?
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    Retroz bending?

    Is it true Retroz bend really easily?
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    TSI, Pheonix, or Lucky deck

    Lets see pics
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    TSI, Pheonix, or Lucky deck

    I want 4.5
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    Wee Simplex Bars and cash for either TSI, Pheonix or Lucky Deck

    The Wee Simplex Bars are 16x20 and red. They are practically new. I just got them awhile ago. I will also give a decent amount of cash (We will negotiate later). I want a deck, either TSI, Pheonix, or Lucky. Fairly new and good condition. Prefer 4.5 but will also accept 4.0
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    Are nipple pro bars light?

    STFU YOU WEIGHT FREAK ------!!!!! hahaha jk idgaf about weight freaks. But all you little queers who are insulting this poor newb..... GTFO!
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    My stupid friend

    ok so me and my friend were on scooter resource while talking on the phone and he was filling out the "Your Scooter" on the settings. He was reading down the list and then he got to "Miscellaneous" he pronounces it completely wrong! It turns out that he DIDNT KNOW WHAT MISCELLANEOUS WAS...
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    Proto Senior Fork vs. Quebec Fork

    Which do you think I should get? Also do u prefer aluminum or chromoly forks?
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    Which is lighter?

    RAD OG'z or Proto Retroz? What is the weight of each?
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    Proto SenioR Fork vs Inward Extreme

    Which is better? which is stronger? What is the weight of them? Has anyone broken an Inward Extreme? or Senior?
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    Pr*to senior forks !! What do u think about them ?

    They look sick but... how much do they weigh?
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    scs brass knuckles (gold) and wee simplex bars (red)

    I will post them up tomorrow
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    scs brass knuckles (gold) and wee simplex bars (red)

    Wee's are 20x16 (with scs). Both are practically new. Pics if interested
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    SCS, Baby SCS, ICS, or HIC

    Which should I get?
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    what size deck

    my friend wants to buy a tsi deck and could not decide what deck size to get..... what shoes size do you think is good for a 4 or 4.5?
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    Reinforced pro model deck or ultra pro deck???

    So I just broke my pro model deck and I need a new one. I am choosing between a reinforced pro model deck or a ultra pro deck. Which should I choose??? Oh, and which reinforcement is best?