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  1. 7


    I need a pair of buffs 20 high any width. Ill trade a v2.2 and one peices. Pictures tomorow Local only B)
  2. 7

    Resevoir Dogs

    Freddddyy you aree one weird kiddd ;)
  3. 7


    Thats not my kind of music but prettttyyyy sickkkk.
  4. 7

    Hackettstown, Saturday Tomorrow 1/3/09

    YAY! i'll most likely be at edison tomorow ill call you guys....what does cosby need from dan?
  5. 7

    My Starnut is in crooked and I can't get it straight! Help Please!

    1) Your not getting that fixed. 2) I would hit up that starnut as far as you can and get a new starnut.
  6. 7

    Limit Scooters: UPDATE January 24th

    Yes Freddy i know how you ride. New member: Freddy Cacace
  7. 7


    who likes it.. what songg.. GTFO if you dont got something good to say because i can honestly care less what you have to say.
  8. 7

    Lil' Wayne's Best Songs

    Sky is the limit.
  9. 7

    Those new yaks

    Im never there lol.
  10. 7

    FS (Feeler): 2 Homeade Fork

    In between the tongs so they fit 100mm//110mm.
  11. 7

    January 4th: Staten Island skatepark//Banks

    I can bring my camera. But someone else still bring another one. THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN.
  12. 7

    Those new yaks

    Whats wrong with people from NJ?
  13. 7

    Limit Scooters: UPDATE January 24th

    What the hell makes you think im gunna put you on JUST SO YOU CAN GET A PAIR OF BARS. I dont even know whats going on yet ill keep everyone posted.
  14. 7

    January 4th: Staten Island skatepark//Banks

    Angelo or Brandon someone PM me their numberrr.
  15. 7

    WTT: Cane Creek s3 headset.

    He wants a black headset i think lol.