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  1. T


    Haha, sick idea. Does it ride well?
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    Nice scoot man, all you need is a brake.
  3. T


    Isn't that a Madd break? Oh, wait, they're the same as Blade. !grr
  4. T

    K2 Scooter

    Damn right, Madds are the shit!
  5. T

    K2 Scooter

    Hah, yeah - I forgot to mention that also.
  6. T

    K2 Scooter

    Cool, I was cruising the site, saw them and wondered - is all. At least now I know :)
  7. T

    K2 Scooter I saw this scoot on Manly Blades site, and the deck looks cool - but the whole thing looks kind of weak. Anyone tried one of these? Any way to lock the folding mech?
  8. T


    But he can just bring it out next year and be all festive again!
  9. T

    2006 fishers ghost comp results

    Well done boys, representing the best of Oz right there...
  10. T

    Cozmo Stunt Scooter Wheels

    They look nice, but apparently don't work well. Derek said he pretty much wasted his money, because even as a front wheel these are weak.
  11. T

    grip tape on brake

    I only ever really put grip on my brake if I have a bit that's spare which I can't use elsewhere or something.
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    Shopping cart bars(or as aussies say trolly bars)

    I need to get myself one of these, and it shouldn't be too hard to aquire. If I had strength. Which I don't, lol.
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    Bolting Handlebars

    Shopping cart one peice bar, Bolted.
  14. T

    Comparing the feel of BMX grips and stock foam grips

    I really have to get off my ass and buy some bmx grips...
  15. T


    Whoa, looks like a lot of effort. How wide are the bars approx.? Cause if they are a bit longer than 13" I'll just take a hack saw to it.
  16. T

    "Do not try this at home" video thread

    Haha, holy shit. What made you think lighting your back on fire would be okay? That's insane.
  17. T


    Haha, wtf. That "trolley" looks kind of like a mini bus or something. But yeh, shopping cart = trolley in aussie terms.
  18. T


    Ahh, in Aus we call shopping carts trolley's. Haha, I guess it's just slang.
  19. T


    Hey Coedie, I had a look at a trolley the other day to see what part you were talking about, and I didn't get it. Is it the plastic handle part that says the name of the shop on it or what?