Search results

  1. M

    Best Boneless Tricks

    isnt it called 'ninja drop' ..
  2. M

    Country Music

    anyone else like it?????
  3. M

    Double DEcker Scooter ..?

    lol a double decker one... ive only seen a single decka one
  4. M


    i showed my dad this dude and he sed he is the best scooter guy he has everrrrrrr seen yeeee haaaa...... my dad is strange
  5. M

    Coedie And Phil Summer Vid

    holy crap... you guys are wiked good
  6. M

    360 5 flat 5?

    tell me about it !!!!
  7. M

    Opinions on Yak Wheels

    i had a yak scooter once