i straight almost hit my head the other day.. still forgot to put my helmet on :/... i usually jsut wear it for flips or indoors.
i ocasionally wear it at the park when i get a shady feeling... NEVER EVER EVER for street tho
dammm justin. slow down!
try to wait atleast a few months to release a video tho... even tho your on fucking fire already.
haha make that shit all bangers. just like your last video!!
and erik is that a dsa fork?
nice clips
LUCKY scooters **official thread** Sponsor update page 21!!!!!!!!
yeah dude your a fucking beast! your so fucking good dude!!! backflips?!?!?! holy phuck man!
my friend dylan was on my bed and started humping my pillow saying he was really excited then i woke him up.
ive heard him say other stuff but that was the funniest