how is that not being chill or nice?
your saying your gonna kill a 10 stair when:MATT MCKEEN, RAHMEL, john radtke, tyler bonner, CAPRONE, and everyone else will be there who will completely kill the 10 stair sooooooo badly.
your such a lier.
you NEVER rode thses. got em in a trade which you ripped the kid off for them and got em for super cheap.
so dont even say payed 90 bucks.
people dont under stand the side of the thing you bar disaster'd.
look at the clip where he bar spins they flip tucks.
thats the wall he bar to disaster'd. ice picked :p
and tire tap'd
im a tredny rider
get over it.
i dont hate jd ben
but i went to wide bars
got scs
got fr id fork when they came out
got inward when they came out