Search results

  1. Aaron

    Scooters on reddit.

    There's already 50 people in /r/scootering though
  2. Aaron

    Scooters on reddit. I know a bunch of you use reddit. Would be sick to have some community on there.
  3. Aaron


    Hey look it's this thread again.
  4. Aaron

    Cameron poe sz proto edit

    Toooooo sick.
  5. Aaron

    Money & ho's is all a nigga knows.

    Wow. This is what Talent really looks like.....
  6. Aaron

    Steele McWilliams's Photography.

    Am looking forward to this thread.
  7. Aaron

    Ben Duncan - Welcome to VEX

    Last trick was filmed ridiculously well. Hard 180 railhop was too good.
  8. Aaron

    My First Web Edit. check it out!

    Call your video whatever the fuck you want, it's your video.
  9. Aaron

    Jokes go here

    This. This is a good joke.
  10. Aaron

    Chill clips, New house, New spots.

    Is that you saying woo and talking? If so, what
  11. Aaron

    Adam cordova raw throwaway footy

    So sick
  12. Aaron

    What music you like?

    David Bowie is also my favorite band.
  13. Aaron

    Hugo Svare is on Exode

    Hahaha, get more angry over a comment I made on a homie's video dude. yeah I definitely give a fuck that you care about how I talk. Get a life.
  14. Aaron

    Pocket Airs

    This one. I learnt them a while ago, they feel sick.
  15. Aaron

    Envy/Blunt Dirt Scoot

    If people knew Envy's background, they'd buy this over any other dirt scooter. The guy who owns the company was one of the biggest BMXers in Australia for a long, long time and co-ordinates with a bunch of bmx manufacturers. This will be good.
  16. Aaron

    Riding Pictures

  17. Aaron

    Hugo Svare is on Exode

    Hugo is the dude
  18. Aaron

    Fasen Scooters | The Brendon Smith Video

    He just showed how little his opinion on the subject really matters. Pretty damn narrow minded to say Brendon is the only person who "owns" a company... Considering Fasen is basically Envy (a non-rider owned company) anyway.
  19. Aaron


  20. Aaron

    VEX Mayhem Tour

    Too sick. Vibe was perfect.