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  1. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    My buddy has them on lock and I can definitely reaffirm that being able to legitimately nose manual helps a ton. Because it really is a turning nose manual, not a like a nose pivot 180.
  2. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    Wrong. Are all the streets in cali complete shit? (Proto is based in Cali, isn't it?) Harder wheels are faster on smooth surfaces because there's less friction. Softer wheels are faster on rough surfaces because there's less resistance. Experience will tell you this but skaters/longboarders...
  3. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Reece Jones BAREFOOTAGE MUST WATCH!!!!111!!!!

    Title and video speak for itself
  4. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Jared Adelson l Web Edit 3

    How do you even ride? Don't your watermelon sized balls get in the way when you're doing tricks?
  5. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Eye Sore Thread.

    I noticed that as well, not a good looking taper at all, definitely bothers me
  6. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Eye Sore Thread.

    Effective or not effective, that deck is ugly as shit and rightfully belongs in this thread.
  7. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Bar Height Question

    I also couldn't jump without the bars smacking my junk
  8. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Wheels That Won't Melt

    Dude, come on, common sense says if you constantly scrape a piece of metal against something that's softer than it, it's going to wear down, along with all that repeated friction making both materials hot and slick. Wear shitty shoes. If you need to be holding your brake for several minutes, you...
  9. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    The teal ones will still be around, won't they?
  10. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    The best width for bars

    26+ you're literally riding bicycle bars. to each his own
  11. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    Interesting there aren't any mixed feelings yet about the gum pu. I also think they're slick, but when proto wheels first dropped and they only came in black, white, and gum, I swear a chunk of people weren't feeling the "shit brown" Perhaps they were closer to a milk infused coffee, I always...
  12. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Bar Height Question

    Glad I'm not the lone member on this forum. Definitely comfy for pushing around but I couldn't even tailwhip properly because my arms felt out of place and I wasn't popping up as much/as easily.
  13. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Bar Height Question

    I have no clue how everyone on SR rides such tall bars. Everyone in my town thinks my bars are stupid tall at 28 inches, and I'm 6'4'', yet there's kids on here that are 8 inches shorter than me riding 27 inch bars, 11 inches shorter than me riding 26.5 bars. When I had 29 inch bars it felt so...
  14. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Justin Robertson: Elyts/Scooterzone Edit

    Nasty! Loved the lines, especially the one from 45-55 seconds.
  15. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    How quality are envy wheels? I've witnessed the shitiness in eagle wheels, sacrifice wheels, lucky wheels. I'm very impressed with PROTO and River wheels. How do Envy wheels compare to Rivers/PROTOs? I want big wheels soooo baddd, but I also don't wanna ever settle for subpar wheels again. I...
  16. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    Also can't believe 24 high used to be considered tall. It's bullshit there's still a ton of bars that still max out at 24. Again, it would seem you're a pussy on the SR if your bars aren't at least 24, lest you're 5' 6''