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  1. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    C4 Scooters still legit?

    ^^trons have the thicker crossbar and gusset, but they also have HEAT TREAT (yay!) and are backed by a very publicly legit company. 45 dollars is mighty cheap though. Things to consider...
  2. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Should i quit?

    My fuck, the revival of this thread...but at least it gets people thinking. Being that I made a thread about passion for riding and quitting, this thread, in my eyes, is a great example of what I was talking about. A situation where people actually enjoy riding, but don't even realize how...
  3. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    Why did people used to hate addict? It used to "not be legit." Can't remember if Marcel was involved. Wasn't there a vid of one of the riders giving a big explanation about what was happening to the company? I know there used to be some bullshit but then the riders started to take over? What...
  4. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Best deck under $200?

    190 But I guess you want a bigger deck :/ I'm with ben on spending more to last longer, but i guess if money is literally an effort to scrape up... Still, all these decks people are suggesting are 30-40 bucks cheaper at most minus the District suggestion. If it's a minimal funds...
  5. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Niko Kylmälä - Start of the summer 2014

    this is awesome. loved it
  6. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    The Passion that is Riding...Who Feels It? +The Topic of Quitting.

    Just ride by yourself, or keep looking for that one friend. I think you're with the majority on this forum in hating little annoying scooter kids/sketchy ass park rats.
  7. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    ^^ what deck?
  8. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    PA legalizes gay marriage

    Because it's in the discuss anything (so I ask you the same question to all the other topics in the anything forums) and it's pretty important pop culture. The United States is going through a civil rights movement that we're witnessing in front of our own eyes. They'll be teaching this in the...
  9. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    PA legalizes gay marriage

    Another state where 2 human beings can marry each other regardless of their genital matchups. Makes me super happy that places in the world are slowly becoming less ignorant. As scooter riders, we don't understand the hatred towards our riding since we're simply enjoying life and doing what we...
  10. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Bar Rewinds

    ^^True but then they just look stupid. I rarely see someone take the time to do legit ones, just 3/4 of the way there, then 3/4 back. An actual bar to oppo bar (or vice versa) looks so much better than untwisting or smacking the bars...though smacking the bars totally looks sick if the bar still...
  11. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    this is what scooter videos look like.

    Videos have definitely gotten better in the sense that there's definitely way more stylish and line-oriented videos now than say...5 years ago. I remember when going huge and having fat trick lists was one of the only ways to have a good video, setting steeze and consistency aside. Those...
  12. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    ASK PARRISH anything

    So did you get stoned when you were 11? You said "anymore" so how long did it take? Do you still smoke on the daily/throughout the day, just little amounts? How did you make your realization? I enjoyed your stance on this one. I should clarify I fully believe and admire your stance on the herb...
  13. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    people making parts in the us keeps the product close to the person with the passion
  14. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    What stock parts do you ride?

    If it's as simple as that then why did you feel the need to tell me?
  15. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    Just a speculative question, does anyone know any American Made BMX that isn't S&M? edit: I ask because American Made is something we're so rightfully protecting of in this community, yet it seems all the BMX brands are made overseas. Makes you think for a second, does it not?
  16. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    What stock parts do you ride?

    What are you doing right now? You don't need to be defending yourself and you definitely don't need to be starting shit on a scooter forum based off of an assumption. Notice the other people that commented along the lines of "what's stock? does anyone do that now?". I was simply confirming in...
  17. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    Tsi Sledge

    5 inch decks are sooooo fat, how do you guys ridem? I like the idea for a cruiser, but then again, I'm no money man.
  18. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    What stock parts do you ride?

    Oh yeah (but you knew that when you bumped for the hell of it). My 2010 life was all about dem homemade aluminum box reinforcements screwed on the side of my stock razor pro deck. Always hated the ultra pro though, never jumped on the wagon
  19. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside


    Most people here aren't they're sellouts if I'm understanding correctly?
  20. MattThomMakesMeWarmInside

    What stock parts do you ride?

    FIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHTFIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! People who take the time to join sr (now) don't ever really have completes I don't think. I know plenty of 13-15 year olds in my town who ride completes however. Zero good "aftermarket" parts when they have them, try district/blunt/epic/crisp. I've...