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  1. humpurple kushiones

    Outer Space discusion

    i fucking love space. so much. where would we even start? well today marks the anniversary of the columbia disaster 9 years ago. this rocket can theoretically take us to mars in 39 days.
  2. humpurple kushiones

    fuzion elite vs mgp pro

    get neither, get an ultra pro and build it up.
  3. humpurple kushiones


    your scooter is light compared to a lot of other scooters. my scooter weighs 9.3 pounds and i seriously wish i had the money to get some lighter parts. weight definitely matters. and a few pounds doesnt add any noticeable momentum.
  4. humpurple kushiones

    Why do you scooter? Why should I scooter?

    ill make this post short and to the point. scootering is fun as ----- it's different, and i like to do it. thats why i ride. if you don't find it fun, don't ride, if you do, then ride.
  5. humpurple kushiones


    lololol your deck is no where near 8.5 pounds. you wouldnt be able to bunny hop more than an inch. actually you wouldnt be able to bunny hop because of how back heavy your scooter would be. you would literally just end up doing a manual and falling backward on your ass.
  6. humpurple kushiones

    Why I love Inward

    ive had my inward bars for over 2 years. ive bent iron and steel crossbars in buffs within months. lets put it this way. ive had my bars for longer than most after market parts have been in existence.
  7. humpurple kushiones

    Winter X games 2012 discussion:

    because if you put scooters in the x games to soon, we will get laughed at. theres very little riders that would actually be able to compete in such a competition and even they wouldnt be as impressive to the general audience as the bikers and skaters that are there every year. not only would...
  8. humpurple kushiones

    Winter X games 2012 discussion:

    i don't want to see scooters in the x games for at least 15-20 years.
  9. humpurple kushiones

    addict decks out next week

    the bottoms are flat, discticts feel awesome, and you can use any compression. so what are you on about? definitely my next deck.
  10. humpurple kushiones

    shoes, concords, sneaker heads, ect.

    damn, those are pretty damn bad.
  11. humpurple kushiones

    The Coffee Thread

    the coffee at my job makes me sick, so now i just take strait shots of espresso.
  12. humpurple kushiones

    SOPA and PIPA

    well there is a ton of copyrighted porn on there...
  13. humpurple kushiones

    ZYZZ anyone?

    my god father was a champion body builder, i have pics from when he lifted. he didnt take steriods or anything like that and he still has arthritis, back problems, heart problems, you name it. he obviously took all the work out supplements but you basically have to if you want to be ripped. body...
  14. humpurple kushiones

    Tips On snapping pro model

    just put the money on a card and order it online? that way you don't have to break a perfectly good deck and you get what you want.
  15. humpurple kushiones

    ZYZZ anyone?

    lol might wanna rephrase that...
  16. humpurple kushiones

    ZYZZ anyone?

    he did take roids, he also took weightloss pills, workout pills, power drinks, the works. all of that will fuck your heart up. especially if you have high blood pressure. and that statement is literally true, if you want to be like him you want to fuck up your cardiovascular system and die...
  17. humpurple kushiones

    ZYZZ anyone?

    maybe if he didnt act like a complete tool on camera, i wouldnt mind him. and he took steriods, along with weightloss pills and other stimulants. steriods add body mass quicker than the heart can can adjust to it, causing increased stress, he also had high blood pressure and finally the heart...
  18. humpurple kushiones

    shoes, concords, sneaker heads, ect.

    LOL can someone find me an uglier shoe than this or the purple foamposit?
  19. humpurple kushiones

    ZYZZ anyone?

    dude even those things are 1000 times less superficial than worshiping this doucher.
  20. humpurple kushiones

    Scooter Chat

    everyone go on and watch me consume cannabis and mcchickens.