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  1. CoryR

    AO Grind Plate Final

    that Cory Vanlew cali slide was sick
  2. CoryR

    **biggest stair set you've ever jumped**

    a 10 or 11 next ot Seattle Center
  3. CoryR

    VertX Scooters - Scoot Naked

    he rides everything else VertX.....he is secretly on Ao...shhhhh
  4. CoryR

    VertX Scooters - Scoot Naked

    yes, Dom rides an AO.
  5. CoryR

    Jessee Ikedah | Fork Promo

  6. CoryR

    Jessee Ikedah | Fork Promo sickkkk, the tooth pick on the Jefferson 10 stair rail...
  7. CoryR


    ya its gonna be like most food places. shut down after a month or two
  8. CoryR


    Score! will back it. they probably care for their riders. All 2 good riders. loljk
  9. CoryR


    Scooter Resource will back it
  10. CoryR

    Tyler Bonner: Welcome to Phoenix

    nonono your wrong, if you do tech scooter fakies you are Dan Barret.
  11. CoryR

    "Do It Yourself" Spots

    spot me and robert made awhile ago, had to move a heavy garbage can and the tables to make it, and if your feet have just a little bit of water on them, you slip when you push
  12. CoryR

    Vertx Ohio Dreams

    Nick Griffin
  13. CoryR

    Vertx Ohio Dreams

    inb4 flyout
  14. CoryR

    Vertx Ohio Dreams
  15. CoryR

    UG Windells Comp

    Not much info but this is what UG said on facebook:
  16. CoryR


    yep, those were the good ol days where more people in oly rode
  17. CoryR

    The Skateboard Thread some riders from one of my locals
  18. CoryR

    things you HATE

    dont listen to him, tell him to stop. he wants you to be mad.
  19. CoryR

    things you HATE

    be the bigger person.
  20. CoryR

    things you HATE

    everybodys point exactly. be mature, people hate on you because they laugh at you for something, then you do it again.