it's hard to pick a scooter for you if I don't know your preferences and if you can even ride good, just gonna say what the best brands are-TSI, Ethic, Flavor, District, Proto, Lucky and Tilt
Do you have to pick out of one of the four completes? As you said the price doesn't matter that much so I'd build myself a complete with my prefered lenghts and widths
try to get them without grinding first, just like stalls, and as you get them more locked in a stall try to get them grinding but slowly, so you have more time, and as you get better you'll lock them
when you have a tilted starnut, then it won't compress the headset equally from every side, so it will break your headset, I had the same problem, but I just put another starnut in straight and it stopped wobbling
I recently filed down a normal starnut to the right size and they don't seem to break yet. If you've already cut the top then why not try it out, they're a lot thicker than the Merrow fork, that's why they seem to work better
I rode like a year with some grit spoked wheels, and I even sold them for 20$. That was like a year ago when I sold them, never had any problems with them but they look ugly.
Räägitakse et need muutuvad district laudadega nõrgemaks, paljudel on tilt legacy dk2-ga katki läinud, paljudes poodides kus seda müüakse on ka nii öeldud