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  1. Bear Grylls

    People You Want To Meet

    Tcirbs Ride with hunter more Issac p Colton Ben moak niggaz keeping it hella G with the Canon Lyfe
  2. Bear Grylls

    {}Ryan W Photos{}

    Photo mission with christian Sleep Over The Ocean by Ryan Weaver Photography, on Flickr
  3. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    Yea seriously stop please.
  4. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    Toper has seriously lost a ton of weight. I think he told me 60 pounds or something last time I saw him. And he usually doesn't flip out like that, tanner fox dude. GO LIKE CALLUMS POST!
  5. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    yea i know haha, then he started actually responding
  6. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    I was so pissed and was trying to talk to him in a mature way to basically get his shit together
  7. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    Yes. A screen cap would be great. I have a collection of screen caps of everything tanner has done.
  8. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    i need to see this.
  9. Bear Grylls

    San Diego Get Together

    I will! Need to get out more with my camera
  10. Bear Grylls

    Envy/Blunt Dirt Scoot

    I would just stick to phase two, they nailed it after years of testing and im assuming this is going to have flaws.
  11. Bear Grylls

    things you HATE

    Ok ive had it with tanner fox. He destroyed $300 in litterally brand new camera gear, this has me heated. He is in for a world of trouble
  12. Bear Grylls

    The "OLD" SR Thread.

    Hahahahahahaha good times
  13. Bear Grylls

    The "OLD" SR Thread.

    Former member reporting in. The mission was a hard fought one, but we conquered it.
  14. Bear Grylls

    boxes ltd question?

    duh because its an xtra large..
  15. Bear Grylls

    Sammy Williamson Lucky Edit

    And its always the same tricks on the same stuff edited the same
  16. Bear Grylls

    Sammy Williamson Lucky Edit

    gross all the lucky videos i see are at clairemont, and thats why i turn it off after a minute
  17. Bear Grylls

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    420 blaze it ------ smoke weed everyday #peacenpot
  18. Bear Grylls

    north korea just went off the deep end

    I could not take this video seriously. the music didn't gelp at all either lol
  19. Bear Grylls

    Washingtage 2

    :like: So tight, I dig all the trippy shit and vibe
  20. Bear Grylls

    Florida Ride: Todd Duff

    I agree. You just like wait and wait and wait it feels like forever haha, first part I've actually liked so far