Search results

  1. J

    Scoot proish riders

    all tricks go.
  2. J

    Worlds Firsts on a Scooter... Flat

    yo heres another world first flat (half cab inward)
  3. J

    S.C.O.O.T Maz Vs Jackcolston

    ???? we still playing ha
  4. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna set sketch
  5. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    I like this kids thinking
  6. J

    S.C.O.O.T Maz Vs Jackcolston theres my set yo
  7. J

    S.C.O.O.T Maz Vs Jackcolston yo heres my match
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    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna third try wednesdays
  9. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna this was the worst thing I've ever done on a scooter.
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    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna sketch? ha
  11. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    Just saying, i broke broke pretty much everything so I'm riding bent bars, two cracked stock wheels and ghetto stock headset lol. so bare with me
  12. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    whoever posts a set first tomorrow after school will go first?
  13. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    i really don't care just wanna play ha
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    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    idk um whoever you want
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    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    wanna go now or tomorrow?
  16. J

    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    alright vincent, i broke my tailbone so ya. its hard just to tail whip lol
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    Scoot Jack Colston vs Vincent Kudrna

    all flat ground. anything goes. Vincent: S Jack: S
  18. J

    S.C.O.O.T Maz Vs Jackcolston

    lets do this lol