lol bump.
legit bump though, tomorrow i find out how many wisdom teeth need to get taken out. so far they only see a problem with one. not going to lie, im nervous..
Just wondering, how many pain killers do they give you?
But how could you be sure it was al qaeda in those planes? 2 hours is not enough time to launch and conclude an investigation beyond reasonable doubt and take down the airliners making sure they weren't over a populated area. That would require they have foreknowledge of the trajectory of the...
But it was unknown at the time where exactly the hijackers were going and whether or not they actually wanted to get something out of it (holding the entire plane hostage) or if they just wanted to kill a bunch of people.
He does this at every one of his concerts, and each time the crowd goes insane...
Had they been taken down by the jets, the american public would have been PISSED.. there were citizens on that plane, they cant just shoot it out of the sky and call it a day.
Lets talk about this molten metal business. The molten metal was NOT steel, it was aluminum from the jet which melts...
marijuana is less addictive than coffee
falling on my head is one of my biggest fear, this made me want to get a new helmet. i hit my head a while ago on a rail and broke the foam, wasnt bad enough that it would have killed me but it was still really scary. im a lot more careful now.
Yes, anything that big traveling at 450mph hitting anything that sturdy is going to cause an explosion. And the fire would not have burned out because of the lack of fuel because although it was a steel building, there was flammable material in it. And who said it had to be hot enough to melt...
well, the only thing i can really say with certainty about 9/11 theory, is that building 7 wasnt a controlled demolition and it was religious extremists who planned it out..
HOWEVER theres a lot of stuff thats just a bit too coincidental which would lead me to believe that the...
You do realize that people dont expect to wait months and months and months for their parts to get there right? If he can't handle his business, he should either quit or learn to handle it. When people pay him for parts he has a responsibility to get them to the customer as quickly as possible...
I can't watch a kota edit without thinking about how many people he's ripped off from his website and how he's riding instead of shipping out parts that are months late. At least hire someone to do it for you if you're going to ride and let orders pile up and not even pick up the phone for the...